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I Will Keep Your Secret If You Keep Mine

One of my friends just had a baby. She conceived with her boyfriend but wanted to raise the baby without his input, all by herself, and made him sign a sperm donor comtract. When he changed his mind and decided he wanted to have some input in the baby's life, she dumped him and pushed him right out of the situation.
I thought this was completely unfair- not to him, frankly i support single parenting and know there's a million reasons being a singke parent might be better than raising the child with the other parent. I don't care much about his feelings either to be frank. He lay down to make the baby, he had to accept the hand he was dealt.
However, the baby deserves better. It's definitely better for the child, if possible, to know both parents. It's better for their sense of self and identity. Better still if the non custodial parent shows an active interest in their life like this father wants to. I can't believe the mother would be so selfish to disregard that.
But then, she's been pretty unhinged about the whole thing. She's something of a minor celebrity and it just really seems that actually, she had this baby for attention. I won't go into heaps of detail as to why or this will become a novel, but she's completely blown up all of the comments around the baby and made it hugely dramatic. As a newborn, the baby isn't really personally involved, but imagine them growing up and realising their mother used them to conjure up some drama to feed on, and banished their dad because they wanted to play house on their own. I was mortified and offended. So i contacted the baby's father.
I made an anonymous account and sent him a message saying to message me back if he wanted baby info. He did. I sent him all the pictures i could gather, all the info i knew, and mentioned our laws on non custodial parental rights and the viability of private sperm donor contracts. And i hope he musters up the wherewithal to take her to court for visitation etc, and i also hope no-one ever finds out I'm the dirty rat lol
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coary987 · M
All children has the right to know who there father is from day one.
She will regret not telling the young one when they start asking why she kept it rack from it
JaggedLittlePill · 46-50, F
He layed down and made the baby and wants to be in the baby's life ..he has rights. He is the biological father. His feelings do matter. His rights do matter. He should seek a lawyer.

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