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I Believe In Treating Others With Dignity

I feel that sharing videos of the needy getting help is rubbing them of their PRICELESS dignity.
In order words, we end up taking from them, more than we give them.
I am not sure it is done with intent on humiliating them - a respectful news person would just report on the news in a tactful manner.
MaryN · 36-40, F
@MarmeeMarch I'm ok if the beneficiary consents to it and it wasn't a condition to receiving the help.But we should be mindful of the fact that we all would require help of various kinds at some point.
@MaryN I suppose - but as you know this is the tech age - everybody owns a digital video camera - so if they are in a place that they should have a reasonable expectation of privacy then - yes no video.
Why do you feel this way?
MaryN · 36-40, F
@SW-User Because i have needs too. It may not be physiological but it's still a need and i would feel humiliated if someone picks up their phone and starts recording me because they are about to offer me some help.

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