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I Want to Have a Happy Life

Sometime you see life is full of happiness and all the good things happening with you without effort.
But this doesn't continues for long and another phase comes and you feel like god please be kind to me.
I am very sad, life @professional level is going so so bad and it's overall affecting my happiness.
Feeling very bad and helpless.
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SoFine · 46-50, F
1. Do you know the difference between your wants and your needs?
2. When needs are met, then only seek to fill your wants.
3. With wants, when obtained, then most times, it is short lived. (The satisfaction of obtaining - as more wants will arise )
4. Is your identity tied up with your professional placement ? As in Medical Doctor "excellent" garbage collector "bottom"

With most employments, how we get along with work colleges, will make or break going to work. So how do you generally get on with those you spend 8 - 12 hours with?

A. Happiness is all internal.
B. Happiness is not about materials obtained, it's your internal dialogue that "you have with you"
C. Happiness is not about doing of life, it is the "Being" of life. How you be in each moment, how you be, regardless of external goings.

To be
To be with it is, as it is... (no wishes to be different)
Ajkabd · 36-40, M
@SoFine i understand this.
Problems for me are
1) i don't lie and I am not the one to fight for no reason. - whereas people in office are mostly like this.
2) i was fortunate that since last 12 years i worked with best in business and I was appreciate for my work quality but with this new job of last 8 months everything is negative.
3) Money is important for daily life hence can't move on from this situation unless something good is arranged.
4) i am a good guy in bad situation first time.

It's so frustrating
SoFine · 46-50, F
@Ajkabd 1. Yes, we work with Egos, they are difficult to balance. Try to forgive this person or persons. We never know if they have a huge issues they can't resolve and act out in an unforgiving way.
This too shall pass...carry on.
Ajkabd · 36-40, M
I also gives good time to Netflix but I find you tube much better due to short vedio and wider range of content.
Whenever I feel something to cook I opens up you tube and I m the cook
@Ajkabd 👍️🙃
Ajkabd · 36-40, M
So how is it day moving.
What's the plan for the day
It is good that you see that neither blessings nor trials are always something we've earned. Sometimes it's a way of getting our attention.
Yes, life is tough sometimes. Extremely tough sometimes.

My father sometimes preached on this topic and he used the metaphor of a shepherd's crook.

When a young lamb strays and falls off the path, the hook on the shepherd's crook fits around a lamb's ribcage and the shepherd can gently lift it back to safety. When an older sheep does something dumb abd ends in danger, the shepherd can only yank it back by hooking it around the neck.

Sometimes we get cradled gently and sometimes we get yanked back by the neck. Both are done out of love.

I hope things improve for you soon.@Ajkabd
Ajkabd · 36-40, M
@Mamapolo2016 thanks for giving your time.
God is somewhere
God is where God always is. When I can't find Him, it's because I'm in the wrong place, although that may not be clear to me. Don't mistake my meaning. I'm
not implying you are doing something wrong. Maybe you just took a wrong turn by mistake.@Ajkabd

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