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I Feel Sorry For Some People

I feel sorry for the citizens of the US who are non-white. Now you guys are getting discriminated so much that if your home was the us itself, it would mean you wouldn't have anywhere to go. I've been living in a multiracial country for my entire life and I know how some people can be racists and discriminate people of other races. The world is becoming worst.
Although the US election doesn't concern us but I feel for my friends here.
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LanceVance · M
Is there a country more multiracial than the U.S.? Yes, we have issues but progress is still being made.
Experienceman11 · 56-60, M
@bijouxbroussard: You are a frigging idiot! Trump has put down the KKK the whole time. Hillary was friends with their leader and even called him a mentor! Grow up and learn the truth!
Kiss my backside, you racist pos ! Trump didn't even acknowledge his support from the Klan, claimed he "didn't know about it" Neither he nor you would know "truth" if it crapped on you !!
Softylips · 26-30, F
My country has the Malays, Indians, Chinese, Sikhs and some white people.
It's easy to find someone who knows 3 or more languages here. I guess that's our pride hahaha, (if you're a chinese or indian here)
Believe me, US is not racist. There are some other countries that's far far worse.
@jjoe01: because you've made the kind of ignorant comments that no one who's lived in this country for any length of time as a person of color would make, even from noticing what happens to others. I gladly block idiots and racists so I will grant your wish, btw.
@bijouxbroussard: Go ahead, make my day! LOL
@jjoe01: Bye !
I Haven't been discriminated to the core yet. I'm still waiting.
Experienceman11 · 56-60, M
Sorry but they brought it all on themselves by not assimilating and trying to change this country into the shit hole they came from! Obama put the blacks back 50yrs by supporting BLM, and other racist organizations!
No, you racists did that. Blacks have had trouble assimilating when realtors redline them or find ways not to rent or sell to them---incidentally, the way your president-elect was sued for doing. Gawd, it pisses me off the way you folks never acknowledge the crap you're involved in. BLM exists because of this country's bullish*t, it's not the other way around !

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