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To those living in states that voted tonight against my right to vote

If you are living in a state that had a representative that voted tonight against the election result in my state, you better be taking immediate action from here on out against that representative or you are a traitor to the USA and democracy.
For those of you who do not know, USA stands for UNITED States of America.
These are terrorists inside of our government and if you support them, I consider you to be a terrorist with severe mental problems.
"Stop the steal" is a bunch of hypocrits literally trying to steal the vote of millions of Americans and become a dictatorship where you have no freedom or rights. Yes you have severe mental problems.

I repeat, You are a terrorist against democracy and my right to vote!!!!!
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"Stop the steal" may be the most ironically named movement in recent memory.
DrWatson · 70-79, M
It's not the Democrats who are trying to steal anything. Tonight, Congress will stop Trump's steal!
Earthwrap · 41-45, M
Here is the full list of dictator worshipers that need to expatriate to North Korea.
The amount of US representatives on this list is disgustingly astonishing.
Earthwrap · 41-45, M
You traitors are also supporting an effort against your right to vote too but of course you don't understand that because you have mental problems and need help. Go live in China under a dictator, this is the USA where we fight for freedom.
Majorsite · 61-69, M
So, A CNN reporter is standing in front of a burning building, Telling Me BLM protests are peaceful, Than a Trump supporter is shot by the Capitol police, Because they are rioting. You moron,The revolution may be coming, I'm 61, And I never thought I'd see this day, But Socialist haters like You are making it happen !
Earthwrap · 41-45, M
@Majorsite you need mental help. ASAP
Earthwrap · 41-45, M
@Majorsite Oh good, you blocked me. It's so sad how mentally ill people are. That was a poor attempt to try to change the topic from democracy to stupid rioters. Yes, you need mental help.
I could have swore I already blocked you in the past too. You must be clones.

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