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I Have Annoying Classmates

Most of my classmates are really annoying. They are (with a few exceptions) real spoiled brats. Their only interest is a new phone or to smoke or to get drunk. Some already tried drugs at 12.
I don't like them and they don't like me, they call me names and find a pleasure when they can make fun of me as they think it's laughable that I don't behave like them and that I get strict discipline at home and that my parents whip me.
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igorsero · 22-25, M
@HypnoKitten: I take the whippings as part of the strict discipline with all the other punishments. I never question how my parents discipline me.
HypnoKitten · 41-45, M
Mmm classmates come and go parents actually whipping you is not ok, may want to talk with a school councillor about that. There's nothing wrong with strict discipline, spankings are still considered controversial but still not That destructive and it's culturally acceptable in most places, but going past that it's abuse. You do you, but know it's ok to not accept that (unless you're genuinly ok with it, enjoy it, and feel yourself getting something out of it.. at which point still you do you)
HypnoKitten · 41-45, M
Totally not my place to judge and I won't, my own relationships would be very abnormal to those not in them. As long as you feel fulfilled, healthy, loved, and have good self confidence then cool. If at any point it's making you feel bad internally, negative self emotions that are getting worse, talk with someone. You're welcome to poke at me any time if you'd like, I'm a descent echo board for a few people. Ditto if you just need someone to talk with because you don't feel bad and can't mention this to other, we all need a cave to talk into safely.
sighmeupforthat · 46-50, M
ignore them OR.. video them and have your own youtube channel dedicated to their efforts in life.

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