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I Am So Fed Up and Frustrated

People who take what "leaders" say literally are tools that further an agenda, and yet unfortunately these same tools are so closed minded that they think a single idea is the only right way. This indicates immaturity and an inability to discover the spectrum of other possibilities. It doesn't matter if its Trump or Obama, its two sides to the same coin and people who believe what they say literally buy it hook line and sinker. There are so many agendas afoot in the halls of power that it would blow most people's minds, which tend to think small scale in general. If you think for yourself and make your own conclusions, then you start to become a sovereign being as long as you recognize your ideas from theirs. These political trolls? Rubberstamped from the political thought factory and doing what they do best, which not thinking original thought and reacting when someone goes against whatever politics they "follow."

These people are more examples of zombies.
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Hicks · 36-40, M
Hey yeah. It's all keeping them in control. Before Trump you had a section of the country listening to RT and reaching out beyond their own government's talking points. Now? Everybody's back in line. Keep the blacks hating the whites keep everybody squabbling over made up bullshit and meanwhile you can fuck them right in the ass and they won't even care to notice. Divide and conquer. Idiocracy in practice but only the common people play along.
unitX · 36-40, M
@Hicks They are so desensitized they cannot even feel the dick enter their ass on penetration and by the time ideas are ejaculated into them its too late. Idiocracy sums it up, despite calling it whatever else (corporatocracy and whatnot) which at this point are merely branches of said Idiocracy.

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