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I Do Not Believe In Coincidences

Cantique De Jean Racine....  [youtube=]
I am told that souls who have passed away sometimes communicate with the living by haunting their thoughts with music that was significant to them.
Recently a piece of music "Cantique de Jean Racine" by Gabriel Faure started coming into my head,I had not heard that tune for quite a while but remembered it was one of my father's favourite piece of music,he would sing it to himself rolling his Rs,when he believed no one was around,I was not close to my father,he was a bully amongst other bullies in the "family" I had not been thinking about him,having few fond memories of him,so why should that tune haunt me? Gabriel Faure being the composer I thought I would retrieve "The Faure Requiem" from my pile of cds,may be it would change the tune in my head? when the requiem ended another composition strarted "Cantique de Jean Racine"! I had not looked at the content of the cd so hearing it was totally unexpected,I could not get away from "Cantique de Jean Racine"!
Oh my.... I was unprepared to hear this. When I was in college, I took 4 years of choir. We sang this. On this thy holy day, we kneel in adoration... Is that right, berangere ? I always loved it. I would have never heard this again if not for you. oxoxoxo

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