I won't post it all verbatim here. But without vaccine (if vaccine didn't exist)
Covid would kill about 131,000,000 people before the infection rate got high enough to solve the problem naturally.
Also, about 2,000,000,000 people would have their lives permanently altered. That's 2 BILLION. Anti-vaccine folks like to focus on the 98% recovery rate, but that ignores the fact that 1/3 of un-vaccinated infected people who do not die suffer symptoms for many months after infection (possibly permanent illness). They even have a name for it. "long covid"
How many people are in your family? Three? If vaccine didn't exist, one of them would be permanently harmed by infection before the pandemic naturally ended. That's assuming the virus didn't kill someone in your family, which is (sadly) another possibility.
And yet (some) people are so freaked out that there have been a couple of DOZEN deaths in a few countries that can be directly tied to vaccine. With about 1/8th of the world population already receiving at least one dose. We can list the vaccine-related deaths* on one sheet of letter paper. In 24-point bold type.
Please get vaccinated, people. This nightmare aint over until about 6 Billion people get about 12 billion shots.
* There are many deaths that happen shortly after vaccination. Almost none of them can be linked with any scientific evidence to the vaccine itself. Example. 98 year old guy with heart disease and diabetes dies a few days after getting vaccinated. Did he die of vaccine, or did he get vaccinated a few days before he died of heart disease exacerbated by diabetes?