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"May I ask you a question?"

I sometimes get this kind of message. I figure it's some kind of weird, so I never reply. But why don't they simply say what their question is?
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"Yes, you can. But, I may not answer."
LucyGray · 26-30, F
@ABCDEF7 Or... "You just did. Limit is one per person."
Keep not replying but good grief
because the response triggers things in sw to let more things through. and it's sort of a natural progression to answer very simple questions. so, in short, yeah, it's likely a ploy.
KA9ha · 31-35, M
the questioner is hesitant and lacks confidence in himself.
LucyGray · 26-30, F
@KA9ha Or maybe they want to talk about having sex with their sister. I've had that one before.
KA9ha · 31-35, M
@LucyGray UGhuh thats a perverted thought,.with incest.... but then whey should they question YOU??
LucyGray · 26-30, F
@KA9ha You misunderstand. I've had that message. I'm not interested in discussing sex.
Adamski24 · 41-45, M
So what's your question?
PhantomMagic88 · 36-40, M
Maybe politeness? Idk
They ask a question asking if they can ask a question 🤦‍♂️

That's like asking if you can take a shit on someone's lawn, whilst you're actually taking a shit on their lawn.

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