Headed for the Electric beach again today. I like to take a nap in the warmth and glow. I generally feel better. Much of the nation is cold and wet, but the Northwest has had a great winter. Not enough sun to get out in it, but some great days to appreciate.
I have designed and built a color strip from pink to almost black. About 1" squares connected from light to dark in order with a hole punched in the middle of each square, like a film strip. They are 11 in number aranged in sequence from light to dark, 1 being the lightest and 11 being quite dark, almost black. I can place the strip on my skin and compare whether the square or the skin showing in the whole is darker, sliding the strip along until the skin in the whole approximates the color of the strip. So far I have managed to get to the #8 square, fairly dark. I truly would like to get to 9#. I doubt without some genetic modifications I could ever get to 10#. Odd isn't it, that a fair skinned blue eyed person would choose to modify the color of their skin. Some do hair color, some tattoos, I just like it, it's mine. Top of my thigh.