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I Love Sanskrit Chants

Gayatri Mantra...
Om Bhur Bhuva Svah
Savitur Varenyam
Bhargo Devasya Dhimahi
Diho Yonah :

throughout all realms of experience,
essential nature illuminating existance,
is the adorable
May all beings percieve through
subtle and meditative intellect,
the magnificent brilliance
of enlightened awareness.

I've been putting this one into practice for a few months now and it has proven amazing, ancient root mantra,with far-reaching implications...
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dubkebab · 56-60, M
hey,thanks Freeed,that is neat information.
I like very much that women are finally being recognised and empowered.

A very wise woman initiated me into her guru's tradition and I'm honored to be a small part of that lineage...tell us more,by all means.

I'll be sure to check your stories also...when my he-he-hectic modern life permits....
This is one of the first mantras women were "deemed worthy" to practice. I practice it on occasion still and did so more in the past. It is a Mahamantra.
You guys might like my Guru Geetaa Likeeta stories....check 'em out. That is my principle focus in chanting these days, after the mantra given me by Svami Muktananda.
True to utter in chanting... the only maha mantra in all universal mantras.... thanks to have given details.
dubkebab · 56-60, M
thank you for your comment,sir.
Mantras are wonderful----- but the true power of the mantra----- the ability to start in Thought, wh.= the Voice or Sanskrit Vach. Latin Vox.......
freeed is one link - enjoy.
Om Shanti
nice one dubkebab .. I have quite a few favourites myself.

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