I Sometimes Wish I Could Just Run Away
I know I shouldn't be thinking about this but I do wish I can just pick up and leave. That I can just leave my house when people aren't looking and live my life the way I want. To take a plane, bus, or even train so I can go to California or New York to begin my acting career. I'm in my 20s so that means there's no law that says I have to be with my parents. I just feel like my parents are holding me back from my acting career. But I also feel like I'm holding myself back by still not having a license. But if my parents weren't such nervous drivers, then I would feel comfortable with them teaching me but I don't. Plus even if I get my license, I'll still have to borrow their cars because I'll never afford their own. And they would never let me drive to the city. I'm just scared because I'm almost in my mid-twenties. With acting, age matters. I don't want to start too old and Hollywood does act like 30 is too old. I don't want to work this minimum-wage job forever in my town that has nothing here for me. It would be easier if my parents didn't love me or keep me on a short leash. But I keep dreaming of getting out of here. I just don't want it to be too late in my life or I'll regret it.