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This is just more Age of Sigmar stuff. Feel free to ignore :P

With the hype for AoS: Dominion, I've been looking at the future of my Lumineth. Naturally, there's no way I'll ever stop collecting/playing them. Instead, it seemed like a good time to see how I could do a couple of concepts I've been playing around with since the new Battletome came out in March/April: the Vanari Legion, and cavalry.

For the Vanari Legion, I've already got most of what I'd need for it, with only a second Starshard Ballista really needed to complete the planned list. It's 1240 points at this stage, although can easily be put up to 1500 with the addition of a Scinari Cathallar and the Auralan Legion battalion (260 points together).

The cavalry list is proving harder to make, however. I wanted to combine the Vanari Dawnriders from the Legion list with the Hurakan Temple (which is basically all cavalry), but doing so ends up with weird point values which are enough to add in certain units but not any that match the cavalry theme. Either I can only run the units I want (790/1000 points) or add in warscroll battalions and Sevireth (1390/1500 points); either way, it ends up in a weird place.

I'm really not sure what to do here. I'll figure it out though :)
MrBrownstone · 46-50, M
You can find ideas on YouTube
@MrBrownstone I know. But I like to just do themes and stuff, or else just add whatever seems cool to my lists (like I have done in the Vanguard league the store is running)

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