Rickichickie · 56-60, F
We could buy booklets with the lyrics of the top ten hits. As a German girl with littke knowledge of the English language I used my Langenscheidt dictionary to look up some of the words. The other songs, that was funny guesswork to figure out what the band or singer sang.
Gingerbreadspice · F
I remember doing that until I was about 13 or 14. Even now I could always look up the lyrics but sometimes its fun to make up your own words or imagine they're singing other words when listening to a song.
pennynoodles · 56-60, F
So many nights of rewinding the tape to try and work out what they were saying, scarred me for life it did. I'm still nursing, tape-rewinder's finger 😜

I used a pencil!

I mean, who was this guy 'Reverend Blue Jeans' that Neil Diamond would have much rather been?