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I Made It

The credits appear to be rolling, yet it's only the end of this episode. Our stories rage on even while this chapter has taken us as far as it will.

This is my 100th story, and it seems impossible to put an apex on this journey. I really don't know what to say. 11 months ago I found EP and it was l everything I wanted to find: an anonymous place where we're all strangers, a place where no one is expected to follow you or read your posts, a place where we can be free.

I could tell you about the best moment, and what it felt like to connect and open up with someone who accepted me; how it felt to finally feel comfortable with someone to where I could just write the way I do, to be free. Or I could tell you about how I've progressed from a very timid, self-conscious, thin-skinned, clueless 20-year-old, into a slightly less clueless, and slightly more confident 20-year-old. I could tell you about all the interesting people I've met and how I've come to recognize the unique ways you all write. I could tell you so many things. But perhaps I don't have to write a summary. Perhaps it's enough to say that 11 months ago I opened a new door within me, and I decorated the walls with freedom to express myself. So the story isn't ending, EP may have turned on the light in that room, but I assure you that what has begun unfolding won't be cast in darkness after today.

My words are plentiful, and I often feel they don't reach the depths for their length. There's nothing I can say that could encompass everything I'll remember from these 11 months, so I'm afraid it will sum up to less if I try.

This is the end for you and me I fear. After today, our stories will disperse, and the world through which we were unified will shatter apart. The chance we'll ever see a glimpse of each other ever again is something not to count on, so, my dear stranger, I won't miss this opportunity to send a smile your way. Whatever happens out there on the icy tundra of society, you have this primate's support and I wish you the best of journeys as you search to find everything you're looking for.

It's been a hell of a ride, and it's been a pleasure to be your fellow passenger. Here's to making it this far, and here's to wherever we land. Cheers!

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