beckychandler · F
He died before Jesus was crucified. One of the questions I remember from the Catechism is "What made St. Joseph happy?" -- First is he died in the arms of Jesus. Traditionally, it is believed that Joseph was a much older man than Mary (who was about 15 when they were betrothed --which was not unusually young at that time & place).
MaryN · 36-40, F
@beckychandler: Thanks a lot for that. I think I need to revisit the Cathechism once again. Had no idea this information is in it.
chrisCA · M
There is no mention of him during Jesus's public life in the Bible, from what I remember.
Little is known of him.
Mummymozzie · 51-55, F
He died before Jesus did.
MaryN · 36-40, F
@Mummymozzie: I wouldn't doubt you. Can't think of any other reason why he wasn't heard of at such an important event, being the foster Father of Jesus Christ. If he was alive, I don't think Jesus will hand His mother over to one of His apostles.
Elegy · 46-50
In a better move?