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I Am Not Human

It is hard for me to tell anyone what I am. Most would never believe me. And I especially have to be careful about saying anything because I could be found by a hunter that is near my area. Please take me seriously on this. I swear I would never lie about such a threat.
I'll probably have good stories once I know I'm fairly safe here.
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Drachona · 31-35, M
Aliens? I never said I was an alien. I chose this "experience" just because it said "I am not human". I realize the picture is of an alien, but I never claimed to be one myself. And I know there are many people (mostly people around my age, being teenagers) who claim to be such fantastic things, but only wish to feel different or be accepted in some way. Whatever their excuses may be, I know that no one can immediately assume that ALL who claim to be something other than human are just kids playing around. I don't mean to sound rude at all, but if you want proof that werewolves exist, I have a fair amount of research right here with me. And I find it strange that I have reems of paper covered with information, sightings, explanations, etc. on werewolves....and yet, the people who claim that they don't exist have NO evidence whatsoever. Funny how that all works idiot's opinion on werewolves is considered truth and cold hard evidence is all dismissed as part of a worldwide, ages-old hoax.

And also, to BarbiezBaaaack: You sound a lot like me when I confront something in human society that doesn't make sense. I will admit that everything you say is true, but I don't think that makes every human bad. Think about the things in life you like, some of them are probably because of humans. Do you like their foods or drinks? Parties? Things like that are a few things they've helped with. Now, athough everything they create is corrupted at some point in time, we can't focus only on that. There are alsways good things about what they do, even if it's something really small that is greatly outweighed by the bad things. I know that not all of the humans are bad becuase I have many of them as friends and family. There are good people and bad people out there. I know I can agree with your feelings, but here is a story that I think many can learn from as far as wolves, werewolves and humans are concerned:

There have always been times when I've hated humans or questioned their methods, but a dream I had once made me see just what the world may look like if creatures of any kind and humans do not somehow join each other. In this dream, I find myself riding in the back of a truck with a small group of werewolves. Me and a man somehow got on the topic of what we would eat and he told me "humans". I then saw many people being chased down by wolves and torn apart. There was blood on the ground and I could hear their screams. Afterwards, I could see a city that had become flooded and ruined. People filled the streets in ragged clothing. What you can get from this is, if we do not try and aid the humans in readjusting thair population somehow and stopping their destruction, they will exhaust their's and our resources. Those like me will have no other food source than humans and the humans will have nothing more than their ruined cities.

Humans may not be perfect, but no one really is. I know that there are humans who deserve to survive the future, whatever may happen. Not all humans are bad. And besides, I think that if beings like me helped the humans when they needed it, we would prove who is the better kind. We have been killed time and time again for thousands of years and now people don't even believe we exist. And yet, in spite of that and much more, us helping them would prove to them that we are not monsters and we are more "civilized" than they claim to be.

I don't necessarilly WANT to help humans, but I don't want to eat them or sit and watch them die off either. I just think that, whether I want to or not, it is my responsibility and the responsibility of others to help the humans who deserve it. The innocents may not survive on their own, but the evil and the corrupt may simply be left alone or killed if necessary.

What really matters is what YOU think is right. Just ask yourself: what do you want to be remembered as?
Drachona · 31-35, M
Watch what you assume. And believe me, I know that you are assuming. You are stating an opinion instead of actual knowledge. People say that werewolves cannot exist because there is no proof of their existence. However, the same can be said the other way around. There is no evidence to prove that they don't exist.

Also, just something for anyone to consider: to prove that something does not exist, you would have to know everything in the universe. Why? Because every bit of information you DON'T know could be just the evidence needed to prove your opinion wrong. So, therefore, you must know everything in the universe to make such a judgement.

Very simply, for someone like me to find evidence to prove the existence of werewolves, I must simply present pictures, video or some other evidence (like genetic, etc.) to the public. However, for someone trying to prove that they don't exist, they would have to search every last square inch of the universe and not find any evidence that could possibly prove the existence of werewolves. That means every planet and star from the crust to the core, and even the inside of every single black hole. Obviously, such a search is beyond the ability of Earth creatures at this point in time.

I'm sure I'm wasting my breathe on someone who is unwilling to accept supernatural possibilities, but maybe you will be the lucky one in a million who actually pays attention to what is fact and not just opinion. But then, why should I be surprised? The last time our kind openly exposed ourselves to humans, they pretended to befriend us then killed us in our sleep. I would like to see how you would react if you had the memories I have of such things. Burning villages full of my family and friends after we helped fight for and protect your kind. Tell me: which of us is the real monster?
" The last time our kind openly exposed ourselves to humans, they pretended to befriend us then killed us in our sleep."

When was this?
Drachona · 31-35, M
True. Very true. But most hardly care for what I speak of when I talk about humans, much less betrayals within my own kind and the murderous behaviors of other kinds. Personally, just to make sure everyone understands this: I am not aware of any "war" going on between werewolves and vampires. I, personally, have not met a real vampire so I can offer no real opinion on their existence, life-style, etc. I've met many who claimed to be vampires, but were merely what we call psi-vamps (similar to "spiritual lycanthropes", neither affect the physical state).

But yes "heheyouwish", I am aware of other threats. I am still very young so there is much I have yet to fully understand. However, like most of my kind, we tend to have early starts to life experience. Our abnormal nature can make it hard for us to live with human family, be with human friends, and even date humans. Not only that, but I personally have had experiences with others beyond family and friends.

I'd like to ask: how many of you who can see what I'm writing have had someone claim to be your long-lost sister (something true in my case because my sister IS missing) and then it turns out they lied just to kill your cousin and turn you into a "watchdog" for their own protection? I'll bet not many of you have experienced this. It is not the most terrible of things, but it is a taste of what we experience even at an early age. You see, much like humans, we are weak and unknowing when we are young. We can easily be manipulated. And if we believe what this person says when we are young, we will most likely trust this person the rest of our lives. Or, to sum it up from the perspective of the manipulator: catch 'em while their young.
Drachona · 31-35, M
I speak the truth about what I am. I cannot prove beyond a shadow of a doubt it is true, but I know I am not lying at least. And, if we do differ on some things, it is perhaps better. Differing opinions, when able to co-mingle, often lead to greater ideas and forms of thinking. Plus, we are all different. No one, even two mates, could ever expect to agree on everything. If that were the case, there would be nothing new and interesting between the two. No better than dopplegangers. And yes, I have found that there are many people who are not "legit". There are many reasons for it, but there are also those who seem illegitimate and are just young and/or inexperienced. If you look back on my older writings, you can tell I did not know as much about my kind, much less myself, early on. That was because I had no method of obtaining information. It's difficult to distinguish between liars, mentally ill persons, and legitimate (but ignorant) persons. You already know this, I'm sure. Regardless, thank you for your words.
Drachona · 31-35, M
AngelsReflection, I am nothing of great importance. At least, I wouldn't think so. True, many are interested in werewolves, but it seems that interest has either gone down or gone into hiding for the time being. Maybe it's better that way because it is safer, although I've always wanted us to be somewhat accepted amongst human society. Most don't even believe us, denying all sense and logic to prove to themselves that we are impossible. The rest either don't care or do believe, but that is a small percentage. And it doesn't help that movies and television spread the steriotype that werewolves are just mindless creatures who might steal babies in the middle of the night. Poor humans cursed to become wolf. As if humans were so innocent and without blood and death in their history.

Anyway, aside from all that, I would be glad to answer any questions you may have AngelsReflection. If you have none, that is obviously fine. Know that I am a friend so long as you would have it be so.
Drachona · 31-35, M
To KhanCv: yes, in the simplest of terms, you could say werewolf. I don't like to say it much though because (sadly) many people do not believe such a thing is even possible. I'm sometimes afraid people will think I'm crazy even though I know I'm not. I know not to worry too much over what other people think, but I don't want to be hated.

And to BarbiezBaaaack: humans have done some great things in history. True they've made mistakes, but doesn't everyone? I know humans have done good things before, and deep down, you're all good people I think. Even though humans have hunted us and killed us for many years and even gone so far as to kill my original mother, I am still willing to help humans. I'm still willing to protect them.

And there's one thing I know I'm glad humans made, or at least made more No matter what else humans are charged for, I still give them credit for music. It's the most beautiful thing I know.
Drachona · 31-35, M
Are these comments supposed to be funny? I can't tell if you're being serious or making jokes and I don't want to assume either one. And if you are a hunter, you are probably referring to a person who hunts common animals for food, profit or fun. This is not the kind of hunter I meant.

And I hope your second comment wasn't an attempt to make fun of "twinky". I may not know him or her, but I do not care for those who make fun of people they don't know.
Drachona · 31-35, M
Do you really think that anything other than aliens is human? I said I am from thsi planet, but that alone does not make me human. There are dogs here, are they human? There are eagles and hawks in the sky, are they human? I'm not trying to sound rude or hurt you, I am just assuring that you understand: a wolf is not a human, even when they take a human's form.

Feel free to question me or express your feeling to me whenever you like. I never have any ob<x>jections to others' feelings. And I am a good friend if you can look past the wolf and see the human face.
Would you kindly explain to me what a *werewolf* precisely is? I obviously know of the linguistic and historical understanding; however, my instincts tell me that you will probably have a slightly different interpretation of the term.
Drachona · 31-35, M
I believe we already have plans to speak on the subject, but to answer the question for any others reading this: simply put, "werewolf" is any combination of a human and a wolf. In broad terms, this could even be on a spiritual level. More basically, a werewolf is a being either born human or wolf with the ability to transform between those two states (human and wolf). There is a spectrum of this transformation, from Homunus-Crinos (think Lon Chaney Jr. in The Wolfman) to Crinos (The Howling, Underworld, etc.) to Lupus (a slightly larger than normal wolf, but not cow-sized). I could go a lot deeper into this, but I will leave it at that for now.
Drachona · 31-35, M
Well at least there are still truthful and respecting people in the world. Entrernen, you are a good example of this. I don't mind much when people make fun of me or refute any possibility of me. I used to get angry, but I've learned that I can't change the minds of most closed-minded people.

But that aside, thank you Entfernen for "defending" me in a way. For such a small act, I appreciate it greatly.
Drachona · 31-35, M
Thank you for your words. I do appreciate them. However, I hope you know that I do not hate anyone. Regardless of how much I have been hurt, I do not hate anyone. Even if I wanted to, the people who would properly take the blame are, most likely, all dead. And blaming all of humanity is even more foolish. Regardless, your words are appreciated. Besides, I actually respect those who doubt me at first. It means they are cautious, which is wise. To trust me immediately would not be smart. However, those that are completely closed off to the idea have made an even worse mistake than believing too quickly. It is the world I live in, and I accept it. My one wish is that my children will be accepted for who and what they are. They will not have to hide or feel left out. They will feel like any other kid on the block.
Drachona · 31-35, M
Is there a reason you entertain yourself by toying with people you don't know? Some childhood trauma? Some disorder? Or do you simply gain pleasure from it because you have nothing else to do and no one to talk to?

If you question what I am then fine, join the rest who feel the same. But if you are simply picking on others becuase you think it is funny, then at least have the dignity to admit it or the intelligence to walk away.
Are you kin to my husband, when I first met him he told me he is an alien also? He was born on planet Earth too? Is there a whole bunch of you "people" that are just now, not afraid to come forth, and declare that you are aliens. Why now? Do you have any special abilities? Like ESP or something of that nature. Can you help this planet with all the pain and suffering that goes on here? If ya'll can then why don't ya'll, get on with it and stop bragging about being aliens, then? We want to see some proof!
We can only teach Humans. We have been teaching the Human Race for thousands of years. Humans must make the choice of how they will use the select information and technology for themselves. It is not that easy for us to jusy show we are living among the Human Race. We have long been hunted killed in hiding. Imagian what it would be like if let everyone with good or bad intent know that you walk past us every day and don't even realize it. Some would be semi ok with knowing but most would be terified because of the lack of the unknown. It would cause vast panic between us. Because of this, this prosess must be taken slowly.
Stop demanding proof and open your eyes to it. It's out of compassion we don't want to shatter your fragile reality and deliver you to madness.
Drachona · 31-35, M
Be calm. Yes, there is proof all over the place, and many are reluctant to admit it or even see it. However, we must remember that humanity, in general, is very sensitive. People prefer what is "known" over what is unknown. It inspires fear. We have to be patient and work with the public if we want them to understand non-human creatures. If you want to be careful when you climb a mountain, you must take small steps.
i like wolfs i think they are cute i even want to be born an animal i want to be a little striped kitten i even wrote a story about it on here. i wish i was born as a animal too. once again i am sorry i thought you was a alien but i thought that is what you meant? i didnet mean to upset you. bye thanks
I just want to say that your story really convinced me because i have heard people say that they have been visited by aliens and i thought you really was one ? I am scared of aliens. I am sorry if I upset you.
Drachona · 31-35, M
I'm sorry, I tend to rant sometimes. Even simple subjects can hit sensitive areas.
why did you say you wasnet human then? you shouldnet say those things if it is not true. I really believed you! and i did get quite scared. im sorry i wont bother you again. ta ta
Dude what are you a werewolf ? Cuz i red your stories and i didnt get it. Or a human with the soul of a wolf ... Cuz its kinda the same. Nvm that! I wont tell you want to bealive. Even due there was one case registrated of a werewolf so its possible. If you are on of them dont worry your not alone! ;)
If you are truly werewolf humans are not all that have hunted your kind.
Drachona · 31-35, M
I was born of Earth, is that such a suprise? Or do you simply mean to mock me like everyone else? Beleive me when I say I am closer to the Earth than most of these other creatures who destroy it.
i know what kind of hunter your talking about. im really srry to hear about your mother. music is one thing i love that ppl have created. i love anything from screamo-rock-heavy metal-hip hop-rap-r&b and more. and dont worry im not a hunter, i just like knowing im not crazy
Don't you just hate people that don't take you seriously on this? I was reading some of your comments and I feel for you, I really do. I don't tell people what I am unless I can completely trust them because they usually think I'm crazy. Hang in there. Hopefully others will see you one day.
I personally am an anti-hater basher people like owlafaye, make me sick. If you have a problem with something or someone then get over yourself and leave this site. Thank-you Drachona for sharing with us.
wow...something not human...I can't wait to know what kind of creature are you ^^

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