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Hairy question

Poll - Total Votes: 31
In women?
In men?
I don't care
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@hanktoms: what are we discussing ? I too expressed an opinion. I believe that this particular double standard (which it IS, two standards for single behavior, in this case based solely upon gender and aesthetics) is sexist and illogical. Some people agree with me, most agree with you. Minds are unlikely to change, either way. It is what it is.
There's too much needless 'hair shaming' going on it the world.

I'm actually totally happy whatever a partner chooses to do, as long as it is her decision...
I like it. Yes, on women... So sue me! :p
hanktoms · 61-69, M
@Bijou, I don't know how any hair unrelated to armpit hair entered the discussion, however it isn't a double standard. I'll explain why with one question.

Do you have a personal opinion about men wearing facial hair?

You don't have to shave your face, but you likely have an aesthetic preference one way or the other. You are entitled to that preference.

Armpit hair is exactly the same thing. It is about aesthetic preferences which people are entitled to.
hanktoms · 61-69, M
@Bijou I agree most people expect women to shave their armpits. Armpit hair on women is something many people find at least moderately unappealing up to just downright gross.

They don't mind armpit hair on men quite as much.

They are entitled to their opinions.

Women are also entitled to ignore that opinion, and not shave. Men are entitled to ignore their opinion and shave.

Opinions on grooming between the sexes are not about applying standards on one sex or another. People see men and women different, and don't think a single unisex standard is necessary.
A hairy girl?
Miklee02 · 51-55, F
It's kinda gross on women.... but not so bad if on a man....
I wouldn't use the word hate
But we can't create our own groups
hanktoms · 61-69, M
I've never felt this the need to shave any part of my body other than my face. I think most men would agree with me on that.

As for women, well yeah, hairy pits are a definite turnoff.
Hate's a strong word. I don't notice mine. do I find it attractive on men or women? Not really, but there's so much more to people than body hair....there,nearly there, or bare...I do not care.
Nettle · F
I prefer shaved armpits - even on men!😝
Most men never bother shaving their armpits - or anywhere else - but a smoothly shaved armpit looks SO much more appealing than a nasty, hairy pit!!😅
I think they've got a bit of a nerve really, the men who think it's not nice for a woman to have hairy armpits, but don't shave their own ...😳
SOME men seem to think that being a man involves being hairy, lazy, fat, ugly, and treating women like dirt - but thankfully that doesn't apply to ALL men!😉
Right.. Yucko
@Storm - lol, I wish! :D
IamDave · 61-69, M
Yeah, never really gave it much thought. When I was in Germany, I went out with a girl who did not shave her pits. It was sexy on her
Chrisian68 · 56-60, M
Don't like them. Neither in my armpits nor at women ...
I epilate them regulary.
Sharon4now · M
burn it off with a lighter.
@hanktoms: Both men and women grow armpit hair. If it were gender specific (like facial hair tends to be, for example) women wouldn't. But only women are expected to remove theirs, per social mores. That's what makes it a "double standard".
I thought Sue
Was a sexy girl
It's a double standard: you see the same men who wouldn't think of shaving their own pits having the chutzpah to complain about a woman's. Aesthetically, I don't find overly hairy bodies appealing, some ethnicities are not as hairy. But I do believe men who think women should have absolutely NO body hair are probably secretly pedophiles.
FeetAreFantastic · 41-45, M
I'd prefer women to shave there. Me? I shaved it once but I prefer to let it grow.

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