bookerdana · M
I wanna be a lion
Ah, everybody wanna pass as cats
We all wanna be big, big stars
Yeah, but we got different reasons for that
I wanna be a lion
Ah, everybody wanna pass as cats
We all wanna be big, big stars
Yeah, but we got different reasons for that
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bookerdana · M
@WatercolourWildFlowers well the fur must have really flown know this place is coming to an Armageddon,folks are so tired of boobs with potty mouths trolling the Qna,this place is gonna close unless the B team is brought into line!
WatercolourWildFlowers · 51-55, F
@bookerdana so many jerks who post shit just for the sake of entertaining themselves and whatever other jerks follow them. I am really quite over here, I do cling on to the fact I have a couple of great people I talk to. And when I say a couple I really do mean 2 maybe three lol
bookerdana · M
That actually isn't bad,man..i mean wit is something we all appreciate,but what is posted lacks humor,humanity or class..canaille,the french canadians say
St0ut · 51-55, M
Gotta love a girl that is just a bit crazy
St0ut · 51-55, M
I am married as well and a dad of two. Life is good and better with SW friends
WatercolourWildFlowers · 51-55, F
@St0ut good to hear you have friends here, with how many not so nice people there are around.
St0ut · 51-55, M
@WatercolourWildFlowers intend to filter out the negative and keep the positive people in my life.