carsonfry · 22-25, M
What put you there? I think you have learned from your actions.
I hope you have a good life after.
I hope you have a good life after.
BrianWatson · 31-35, M
Stabbing someone in the eye might be a bit severe, but no one likes a bully. Hope you get through it with no additional issues, and hope the other girl recovers. Growing up can be a challenge.
lykashane · 22-25, F
@BrianWatson yeh.... I know... she didn't loose her eye which is good but she's emotionally scared
BrianWatson · 31-35, M
I can imagine. Maybe she learned a lesson anyway. You don't always grow out of bullying just because you grow up. Hope your attitude is good. You sound positive.
lykashane · 22-25, F
@BrianWatson I'm more neutral then positive but I have a decent attitude I think. she probably didn't since she's harassing a person who she also blams for the situation happening in the first place