It comes in a jar, and spreads as easily as confiture!Love. It's the best gift you can give freely! Defining love for each individual is the key 🔑 but wanting not to give them a reason to not enjoy their first meeting you is a good starting place!
I Want To Spread LoveALL THAT I GIVE IS GIVEN TO MYSELF "To give is to receive" is the law of Love. Under this law, when we give our love away to others we gain, and what we give we simultaneously receive. The law of Love is based on abundance, we are completely... See More »
I Want To Spread LoveThe Essence Of Our Being "The essence of our being is love. Forgiveness is the key." From "A Course In Miracles"
I Want To Spread LoveLEO BUSCAGLIA The title of this group is "I Want To Spread Love" When I hear the term "spreading love" I can't help but think of a man who spent his entire life "spreading love".. Dr. Leo Buscaglia. Felice Leonardo "Leo" Buscaglia PhD, also... See More »