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I Want to Create More Positive Energy

The title says it all. This site has too many people who seem down in the dumps. Everyone say something that you're proud of and we'll all hype each other up. Big or small, every accomplishment matters. My grandmother used to say "Don't let anyone else kill your joy."

I'll start: I got a full-time job offer for when I graduate college. It's no secret that the economy is pretty terrible right now and it's nice to know that I have a position waiting for me. It took countless hours of networking and filling out applications to get an internship a big company that paid well and would likely lead to a job offer. I was recognized at several points throughout this past summer for my work ethic, communication skills and analytical skills. The pay wasn't quite as high as I would've liked, but I realized that turning the offer down would've been foolishly optimistic. The chances of not getting any job at all were too great and the chances of getting a better offer weren't high enough. I can always change jobs later down the road if I decide that my current job isn't for me. I like to think that it was the first adult decision that I've ever made :)
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Carazaa · F
Congratulations, Good choice. Salary is not a bargaining tool in the beginning of a career, but at the end when you have lots of experience. A good experience is worth more than money on your resume.
Without God's help I would not have been able to accomplish what I have, that's for sure. I've tried to put God first before anything else and I am happy that I did not compromise on that.
Kragoth135 · 31-35, M
Awesome. Best wishes to you
I am currently trying my level best to give up smoking . Brought it down from 2-3 packs a day to a single one a day.
Although went on an office sponsored tour with colleagues, broke the 1 cig a day rule and now am struggling to get back on track lol
justarandomwriter · 26-30, M
@Kragoth135 The most important thing is that you recognize your habit as harmful and are striving to break it. You smoke less than half as much as you used to. That’s progress, my friend. Don’t beat yourself up for overindulging. The most important things in life are also the hardest to obtain and you’re only human. Pat yourself on the back for how far you’ve come and take some of the money you’ve saved on cigarettes and do something nice for yourself. You deserve it :)
Kragoth135 · 31-35, M
@justarandomwriter Your kind words are much appreciated . I wholeheartedly pray for your success in all of your endeavors.
The money doesn't really matter for this kind of job. It is the opportunity and the resume/skills building. It never hurts to have good luck but you prepared for it.
assemblingaknob · 31-35, F
But it's okay because I'm working towards improving myself :)
justarandomwriter · 26-30, M
@assemblingaknob That’s a victory in and of itself. Hold your head high sister. You can’t change the past, but you can change how you approach the future. A lot of people are struggling right now and you’re not alone. Hopefully things work out for you :)
assemblingaknob · 31-35, F
assemblingaknob · 31-35, F
That's cool. I'm still jobless because I don't know enough and lack a personality
Lostpoet · M
I'm happy for you man. 🙌
justarandomwriter · 26-30, M
@Lostpoet I appreciate that my dude ✊

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