I Seek Joy And Balance In My Life
1-Stand up straight with shoulders back.
2-Treat urself like someone you're responsible for helping.
3-Make friends with people who want the best for u.
4-Compare urself to who u were yesterday, not to who someone else is today.
5-Pursue what is meaningful, not what is expedient.
6-Tell the truth, or at least dont lie.
7-Assume the person u're listening to might know something u dont.
8-Be precise in ur speech.
9-Dont bother children when they're skateboarding.
10-Pet a cat when u see one on the street.
1-Stand up straight with shoulders back.
2-Treat urself like someone you're responsible for helping.
3-Make friends with people who want the best for u.
4-Compare urself to who u were yesterday, not to who someone else is today.
5-Pursue what is meaningful, not what is expedient.
6-Tell the truth, or at least dont lie.
7-Assume the person u're listening to might know something u dont.
8-Be precise in ur speech.
9-Dont bother children when they're skateboarding.
10-Pet a cat when u see one on the street.