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I Love to Be Caned

I always wanted to be caned in one of those old fashioned single room schoolhouses..... there is one in my local village that is now a museum and when I went in to see what was there I could not help but get hard......
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chikki · 70-79, M
you want to be caned because you have not had it at school. I was at school in the early 1950'S and had the cane whacked many a time at school across my bottom. You were sent to the head, long lecture and then the cane produced. As a rule it was four on the bottom. Once the shock that you were going to get four had sunk in you were given the second shock. That was the order to take your trousers and pants down and bend over. You dis as you were told and your shirt pulled right up so your bottom was bare and in a p[position where it was at the mercy of the head. He showed no mercy taking the cane right back and giving you a hard whack on your bare bottom that hurt like mad, made worse by knowing if you moved you would get extra, and had to keep still for three more real painful whacks on your already throbbing bottom.

Getting the cane was something you DID NOT want
Chrosey · 41-45, M
@chikki on contrary. I was caned at school. It was not ordinarily on the bare bottom but it was generally less than 6. I had to go to the lengths of being caught with my pants down (literally) to get 6 on my bare ass. And yes it really hurt but yes I do still want it.
chikki · 70-79, M
I doubt if you would have wanted to be caned at the time. Take it from me, their is nothing pleasant about bending over a chair in front of a class when you are between 8-13 with your bottom bared ready to be caned. Even worse when you feel the first stroke go across the cheeks and the pain starting to increase and know you have o keep still for some more.
ArishMell · 70-79, M
@chikki Thankfully outside my experience, but that amounts to sheer cruelty.
ArishMell · 70-79, M
I can understand the arousal even though the real CP was actually nasty.

Do you manage to have what you need, even if at home rather than some sort of school setting?

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