Yeah actually... sadly I have from over worrying about loved ones which I’m working on everyday.
Meditation helps me a lot in this regard 🌹
Meditation helps me a lot in this regard 🌹
nonsensiclesnail · F
If I don’t ruin my good time, who will?
sometimes, they say sitting in one place for too long can make you think. So I guess by doing that, I really did kill my own vibe.
summersong · F
I’m doing it right now 😅
NoGamesTolerated · F
Sure have.
Pinkstarburst · 51-55, F
AbbySvenz · F
Constantly 😞

Nanori · F
Hahahaha no
bowman81 · M

I don't let that happen. I am aware that overthinking is not a good idea. So I don't let myself do it.