Everyone is pro life. Some of us just have the sense to not force rape babies on the raped, etc. For this sensibility and compassion we get relabeled pro choice and are wrongly likened to murderers. I think most of the pro life movement stems from having first foolishly believed in God. Doing so robs oneself of wisdom and morality.
Bluesky53 · 61-69, M
@Peekaboo: there it is,both sides needs to find something to agree on or both sides comes up empty,i know where i'm at om prolife,
TexChik · F
No arguments here! 🤠👍
hopeespe · 26-30, F
@TexChik: WOOO!
OrangeLettuce · 46-50, F
Pro choicd
newagetim · 46-50, M
hi hope. u seem great. sweet and sincere. u are entitled to your views. so if u are pro-life, i totally respect that. glad to discuss though. u opposed to birth control too?
hopeespe · 26-30, F
@newagetim: There are necessities of birth controls like the Emergency Plan B, or if you have any issues with labour than the morning after are fine. But, if it is only to use for sexual pleasure without any commitment with your partner, then one is not being safe and is committing sin.
Bluesky53 · 61-69, M
i'm pro life,
What is pro life?
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@hopeespe: why people discuss about thing which ruin their life when actually happen.:(
hopeespe · 26-30, F
@Hahahahahaha: It doesn't ruin life, it only ruins a life if you see it in that perspective.
@hopeespe: some people have ni child and some people abort it.
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hopeespe · 26-30, F
@Mrpauldavies: What do you mean?
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sogdianrock · 61-69, M
hi hopeespe
Well either you are pro life or you are not. You say you are so hey.
Best wishes
Well either you are pro life or you are not. You say you are so hey.
Best wishes
hopeespe · 26-30, F
@sogdianrock: Thanks for the respect
IchBin2 · 26-30, M
I am too. People need to take responsibility for their actions, and abortion should be reserved for the few extreme cases when it's actually needed, like rapes or if the child has an extreme defect or could kill the mother. Destroying an unborn fetus because you just don't want it is insane. People can simply not have sex at all or have safe sex if they don't want children. It's that easy.
hopeespe · 26-30, F
@IchBin2: Thank you, though, in rapes, although the womb carrier faced a horrible experience, she should no choose if the baby should live or not. They believe that they would live a terrible life, how do they know? It isn't for them to decide.
IchBin2 · 26-30, M
@hopeespe: It's because the mother had no choice in it. If the person chose to get pregnant, then yes, I think she should not be allowed to abort it. Children are a huge responsibility. I also believe in a one child rule like the Chinese have, where they tax the fuck out of you if you have more than one kid. That will prevent people from having 20 kids and laying around on welfare.

Sometimes it's just hard to be you

I don't know about that. I believe if we have enough resources to keep someone alive , we should do that.
hopeespe · 26-30, F
@HopelessRomantick: But sometimes those resources are said to work, when in reality in decreases our life span. For example: chemo therapy.

@hopeespe: I brings me memories I don't wanna remember sorry, CIao
Danez · M
hopeespe · 26-30, F
@Danez4u: How can he compare an abortion to that. People celebrate abortion but in reality, many women fall into depression after wards, they are emotionally affected and there is a high chance that later on, they regret it. It is not something to celebrate.
Danez · M
@hopeespe: of course not. He's just funny. That's all.
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hopeespe · 26-30, F
@starrybunny: It is not a thing, but rather a life. A fetus' heart begins to beat at 3 weeks.
Not everyone is like you, some of us to responsibility for our actions, but your kind would rather kill an innocent life that made no decision to be born. It's because of the epitome of idiocy, thinking they are adults. Child's play!
Not everyone is like you, some of us to responsibility for our actions, but your kind would rather kill an innocent life that made no decision to be born. It's because of the epitome of idiocy, thinking they are adults. Child's play!
room101 · 51-55, M
You're a feminist but think it's OK for a bunch of men to tell you whether you should give birth or not.
hopeespe · 26-30, F
@room101 I don't allow men to tell me what to do, but it is by my own choice.
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