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I Believe Everyone Is Entitled to Their Opinion

Is it just me or are critics become increasingly difficult rather it's for movies, music, tv show, video game ect so many act as if whatever they say should be law.
Now I know everyone has his and her own opinion which is good it be boring if we all thought the same thing and having multiple opinions help us see things from a different perspective. The problem I have is the many people treat the opinions like there facts and we should shun those who think differently (kinda like most YouTube commenters). I mean just became can't agree on something doesn't me we can't reach some sort of neutral ground. Know I understand how hard it can be especially with those who have racist or sexist views, oh and not to mention some people are just rude and mean.
For example take Simon from America idol while
He may come off cold he's just being honest that's the important thing to remember theirs a different between telling it how it is and then theirs being a jerk. I guess the point of my little rant is don't be discouraged by those by who feel like if they can't enjoy something then it's bad and no one else should of course with negative theirs some true but it doesn't make the critics right.
Shadowfox20 · 26-30, M
Yes your right it just too bad others seen incapable of doing that. Then again I'm not exactly perfect when it comes to that either.
oneofnine · 70-79, M
Yes, it's possible to express one's opinion in a thoughtful and measured way without being rude to people who think differently.
oneofnine · 70-79, M
No, I'm sure I'm not either.

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