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I Battle With Weight Issues

Just had a very depressing experience. I weighed myself and found I am at an all time weight high of 243.6 lbs.

It's my third day of turning my life around and getting a grip on a healthy diet with regular fresh air and exercise.

I waited a few days to weigh myself because I knew I would never get started if I knew how bad things were. Seeing a number like that, an all time high weight for me, is very depressing.

I am feeling down, trying to fight the feeling of being in a hopeless battle. Getting used to eating fresh vegetables, simple foods that I know are better for me. I am on an eating plan (a combination of Nutrisystem food and my own, about 1200--1400 calories a day) that I believe I can follow for the rest of my life. I've analyzed what put on the weight this last winter (emotional eating, dislocated by multiple moves, illnesses, leg injury) and I think I've come up with a plan to do better. But right now, I feel like a fat hopeless chunk of fat.

Any encouragement would be appreciated here. I'll consider deleting any negative comments; they'd be redundant because I am already angry at myself for letting this happen.
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Hey - I am trying to lose weight too. Battling hormonal changes, illness, emotional stuffing and intense cravings -probably mostly to do with severe vitamin deficiencies

So no judgement here. Only support
Good for you! You've identified the problem and addressed it wisely! 👍
Do this for yourself, and your future health! It will be WORTH EVERY EFFORT!!! 👏 I applaud your direction and focus!
canlem · 70-79
Chins up lovely lady, you WILL get to your goal weight, don't be impatient and don't expect miracles . It will happen and it will take time !
daydeeo · 61-69, M
Identifying the problem is half the solution. You're already on your way!😗

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