I Know We Are Spirits In A Body Not A Body With A Spirit
For Fungirlmmm’s weekly writing challenge:
These hands were made for walking These fingers are my toes You fill my heart with nonsense and so the story goes My heart beats faster every time our twisted paths do cross. Your chest destroys my sanity all reason now a loss. I wish our necks were longer to reach across the skies for now I have to fantasise the bliss between your thighs
Thank you [@ Fungirlmmm] the photo is someone else”s from the internet somewhere from ages ago that I have always liked and has oddly just stayed with me 😊
Thank you - that’s really helpful- this one more or less wrote itself comfortably on my 30 minute morning commute - the prompts literally ticked off the page fitting the just of where my mind was anyway so easily - perhaps the lesson you are pointing me too is toward more just letting go - thank you - I will give it a go 😊 @SW-User
@SailingSlow Hey, if I can encourage you to push the boundaries of your comfort zone, then I give you a shove! I'm so jelly this poured out so easily for you, but I'm glad you went with your gut on the material! Please write more like this..I'm pushing you, please do...you can do it!!🎉🌟✨