ArtistRajaBhaiya · 36-40, M
Hahaha! No issues MrW :) Glad you took the time out. For me it is a profession by itself and I would love to have the insights being an artist myself. I hope some real figure drawing models would find this and share their experiences and stories here. The number of comments moght help :) so, thanks anyway!
GeniUs · 56-60, M
Ok, it's now clear I don't really understand what you're asking, good luck with the quest, at least the number of comments will encourage others to visit!
GeniUs · 56-60, M
Cool, ok what sort of story would you like I have them about literally everything. Happy, sad, work, being in trouble, sport etc
ArtistRajaBhaiya · 36-40, M
Since the artist draws it from life instead of a book or a picture, it is called life drawing.
kdma1l · 51-55, M
Not sure where you are in the world but I'd be happy to model for you - I'm in London England.
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ArtistRajaBhaiya · 36-40, M
Well, I'd want to hear some real life experiences of being a figure drawing model :)
ArtistRajaBhaiya · 36-40, M
They pose and artists draw them. As simple as it can be.
GeniUs · 56-60, M
What is a life drawing model?