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I Hate My Sister

My sister abuses my boyfriend and I, and there's nothing I can do. EX: Last night, I was cuddling with my boyfriend and my sister literally came into my room with a baseball bat and she started hitting mine and my boyfriends legs... hard. Then, my boyfriend grabbed her wrist and moved her away from me. My sister then ran into the next room and started crying to my parents that he hurt her. I hate her so much, and my parents don't do anything about it.
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Broken · 22-25, F
@Alex1610 Yeah, her reason was that "I spend too much time with him" and that she "doesn't trust him" despite him being unnecessarily nice to her.
Your sister definitely sounds like she needs professional help, and I'm sorry to say, but your parents could use some therapy as well.
Serenitree · F
You need to be away from her. Do you have relatives you can live with? She sounds as if she is out of control, and it seems your parents are unable or unwilling to protect you from her.
Did you ask why she did that?
I'm sorry ... that is terrible.
@Broken That's stupid. It seems like she's really jealous of you being with him. That's still not a valid excuse though.
@Broken That's simply rubbish, she was talking as if she cared about you and yet she used a baseball bat to hit your legs.
SoulAsylum · 36-40, M
Sounds like she's a psychopath.
LucyFuhr · 56-60, F
Your sister is an emotionally challenged lunatic.
Call the cops once and see how quickly she calms down.
If your parents let her behavior slide, their behavior is questionable too.
Hit her back

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