You have a chemical that allows for pigment to spread when the sun causes an increase of pigment.
Gingers like me dont have the ability to spread or freckles or tans.
Gingers like me dont have the ability to spread or freckles or tans.
Tatsumi · 31-35, M
You have a darker look. Freckles only appear in people with very fair and light skin, I think. Namely comes from the MC1R gene and its variants, which can also exist in Asians and some other races. It's most common in those of Irish descent (red hair), though. Given that you have black hair, prolly suggest you don't have MC1R or maybe a variant gene--though, maybe you do and for some reason you just didn't develop freckles.
I had a ton when I was growing up, but they disappeared for the most part as I got older. Though, I still have quite a few freckles where I got 2nd degree burns on my shoulders at the pool. @_@
I had a ton when I was growing up, but they disappeared for the most part as I got older. Though, I still have quite a few freckles where I got 2nd degree burns on my shoulders at the pool. @_@
Mariocrespo8546 · 31-35, M
Well I have friend from Colombia & her hair looks very light brown hair. Also she has pale skin & freckles. But sadly I don't have any. Maybe if I have kids with her maybe it would be from her. Maybe I look more tannish than her
Tatsumi · 31-35, M
@Mariocrespo8546: The main thing is the skin pigment, I think. That's why Asians can get them too, as they can be very porcelain, as well.
I've never really considered freckles a desireable trait. o_o; You just like them?
I've never really considered freckles a desireable trait. o_o; You just like them?

Im not white and i have some wth. Nobody knows tho, so dont go snitching on me