Everything is rooted in our own will, and our own labor. In ourselves alone lies the future of the Caucasian Volk. If we ourselves elevate our Volk, through our own labor, our own diligence, our own determination, our own perseverance, and our own tenacity, then we will rise once again like our forefathers.
@WindOfAdolf lol typical shitty altright play book crap too. "If you don't like people who want a dictatorship and genocide then that clearly means you're in favour of dictatorship and genocide".
@WindOfAdolf No, I like Washington because he was an atheist. He would drop Martha off at church, wander around, then return to pick her up after services.
Also, you don't "pass" a DNA test. Although I'm sure your Klavern awarded you a medal for "Outstanding Whiteness in the Face of Diversity" or something.
@WindOfAdolf Oh, definitely, the Exalted Cyclops would have thrown you out of the Klavern if you weren't 100% white.
Washington's military prowess was also impressive, a lot better than Robert E. Lee for example. Although, both of them owned slaves, so fuck them I guess.