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Fernie · F
or telling someone with Alzheimer's to stop asking the same question...people have no clue

Or a mute person to please talk.
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@AmberAndB I know right ?
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Syktur · 26-30, M
Yeah, many people don't have the right mindset when it comes to helping others with their problems. I don't blame people for it thought because it can be extremely difficult.
hlpflwthat · M
Agree. We really have a great deal to learn about mental health. Keep speaking up :)
FilthyBeast · M
One of the things that pisses me off is the lack of understanding that.
Fernie · F
@FilthyBeast we really can't expect the average person to understand mental illness if they haven't experienced would be nice but..some people with mental illness could educate the uninformed in those teachable moments
FilthyBeast · M
All they need to u understand is the word illness. No one blames someone with salmonella for vomiting or having diahrea
Fernie · F
@FilthyBeast Wish it was that simple
Danez · M
Or telling a blind person to watch where they’re going.
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walabby · M
Just don't forget to take your medication...
Mert5356 · 41-45, M
It sucks, hate it so much