I Don't Know Why
I let people get to me or why I care what people think .i don't know my mum said when I was younger i seemed different to other children. all the other children was shouting and throwing things ganging up on other children i was in corner on my own playing with a pan set being quiet and all happy .then soon as other children noticed they started shouting names at me hitting me as every time .I tried to interact with any other children they didn't want to know .was same through school after school kids were interested in nicking from shops burning things starting fires smashing things and smoking. i was content in listening to music watching movies and just chilling and talking .but I was boring kids only mainly hung out with me or was friendly when I had money .and right up to my adult life just no end of name calling judgments about everything i do its only ever my family mainly that doesn't judge me .i can see how i am and why in a way but I think right from birth to still now the feeling of being judged and fitting in with other people with not having much of an out going life and not feeling like you fit in .i guess you could say I am very sensitive also .i don't know why I listened and took it heart i should not of now I am kind of stuck like this .some of the time people no matter who they are sometimes change with different people or act different around others to fit in i don't want to do that so end up just backing off instead it really is not nice tho even tho sometimes you can see why but it doesn't feel good and not easy at all.