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I Want Other People to Look At My Wife

some years back newly married to my first wife for only 6 months i had some buddies round for a few drinks.
as the night passed into the early hours my wife was soo drunk she retired to the bedroom while we carried on with the suds.
left them to go to the toilet and also check on my wife as she was so drunk and you had to pass the bedroom to get to the toilet anyway.
after i opened the bedroom door and there she was sprawled out on the bed naked all but her panties hanging over the edge of the bed from her ankle she look so sweet just laid there dead to the world i shook her hard but go no response.
being drunk i had a nasty thought enter my head =
*[first stage of finding out one is a candaulist]*if you dont know what that is look it up under king candaulis = meaning to show to others or let them use while you watch.
and took the panties off her ankle spread her right leg as far as it would go to the edge of the bed and pulled her left foot up to her right knee spreading her wide open to any ones gaze that happened to be passing.
mmm i thought she looks real nice like that then carried on to the toilet.
then after returned to the bed room i put the bedside table lamp on and left the bedroom door half open so you couldn't miss her laid out like that and went back down to the two guys that were talking and still drinking.
one of the guys said he needed the toilet and off he went my heart was pounding in my chest.
he took a long time at the toilet but i new what was really keeping him this long.
he came back into the room very flushed and after about ten minutes i went and got a couple more cans for the three of us and see both the guys where whispering and nodding to each other with big grins on there faces, funny thing is i think i new what they where whispering about.
after 10 or so minutes the other guy followed suit and said this booze go's right through you and went to the toilet taking a considerable lot longer time at the toilet than my other mate did.
this practice went on for about an hour and half until they both said its getting very late its time to go but im off to the toilet before we go as im bursting the other said yer im bursting to ill race you there and of they went running to get to the toilet first but they where at the toilet for a total off about 20 minutes before they returned laughing and joking then bid their good by's saying we will have to do this again next week if that's ok with you and the new wife we will bring the drinks next time maybe a bit stronger girly wine for her and ho is it ok to bring a mate of mine with us next week yer i suppose so mate and they nodded their good bys
after they left i ran to our bedroom to see the main light was now switched on and the door was wide open as well.
my wife was pulled round on the edge of the bed with her knees spread wide a part and her ass was on the very edge off the bed. having a closer inspection of her laid out like that i could see she had cum droplets on her stomach and breasts and cum dribbling out of her pussy and down between the crack of her ass cheeks.
i thought long and hard about what they had just done to my lovely wife it felt so erotic and thought i wish i could have watched it all go down.
so i thought id better get myself a camcorder to hide in the bedroom before the next time they both came round for drinks and will have a friend tagging along with them the next time.
i cleaned my wife up but then couldn't resist penetrating her myself.
i came to soon with the thoughts of what had just happened the squidgy sloppy feeling inside her cum soaked puss and her moaning in her drunken state thinking she must have been moaning loud for both of them too.
the next morning she woke with a hangover but no recollection of the night before just said did you have me last night darling im in a right mess down there,which i thought was perfect for next week as there will be three of them...
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Skilllickous · 51-55, M
I guess they had her well