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Miryam · 61-69, F
You work on being the very best you. Do things that help you feel good about yourself, and focus on your personal dreams and goals in life. When you come to realize how much you have to offer someone, that is when the right guy will come along who measures up to you.
Camdemned · 31-35, T
@Miryam no. Im not really having issues transitioning where i live as it's widely accepted.

All my problems stem from childhood abandonment issues.
Miryam · 61-69, F
@Camdemned It wouldn't hurt to get dialed in with a transgender support group. You could be a good support to others and that just might help you
Miryam · 61-69, F
I'm not trying to be nosey or bossy; I'm concerned about you

Myself11 · 61-69, M
Stop thinking that way I am sure you are fantastic just the way you are and maybe the others need to improve
Hmmm 🤔 wonder why?

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