Nice thought provoking question
Personally, I have always been a romantic
Romanticism is probably linked strongly in many of us to personality traits...
It's an innate trait, can defo be expressed in the right environment but in essence it's who we are and in many it's a way of life
If you ever get the chance to read the short story "Romance" by Robert James Waller you will know what I mean
Much respect
Personally, I have always been a romantic
Romanticism is probably linked strongly in many of us to personality traits...
It's an innate trait, can defo be expressed in the right environment but in essence it's who we are and in many it's a way of life
If you ever get the chance to read the short story "Romance" by Robert James Waller you will know what I mean
Much respect
laurie99 · 61-69, M
Often less is all - some people need to say or hear I love you every minute of everyday - others are more minimalist with their sentiments - they may surprise you every now and again - there is no right or wrong but don't change you 🌷
PlumBerries · 31-35, F
@Yeronlyman, thanks :)
I agree with you completely and wwill look up the short story
I agree with you completely and wwill look up the short story
Ivana · F
after heart break u dont know what that means anymore, seriously 2 bfs & neither cant i be with them like that maybe bf 3😅
PlumBerries · 31-35, F
DomQuenn, that's true.
TheDominantQueen · F
I think you should just be yourself and the right person will love you anyway. 😊
xCorvo · 26-30, M
if I love them, yeaaaaa
PlumBerries · 31-35, F
here's hoping for boyfriend 3
PlumBerries · 31-35, F
@laurie99, good point, but I look at is always wanting to make my partner happy and if he wants romance well I'm going to go extreme with the romance
CallmeHopelessNotRomantic · 46-50, F
it depends entirely how much I actually like the object of my affections!

Let him have Controller 1 from time to time...it will melt his heart.
SweetDreamsRubi · 31-35, F
lol I'd be a lot more romantic if I wasn't so embarassed of pda.
PlumBerries · 31-35, F
@callMeDex, did you want romance in your last relationship?

I probably can be, I think so anyway. My last relationship wasn't the most romantic.