lizzielost · F
Yes, it was like the rest of the school wore except there was a different blazer badge and tie for 6th formers. I was very proud to wear it! 😇
KatieJ · 22-25, F
@lizzielost Very nice.
GentleLucille · 26-30, F
No, we were allowed to wear our own clothes in 6th form but they had to be smart. No jeans or leggings allowed 😒
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KatieJ · 22-25, F
@GentleLucille Still kinda like a uniform then. Did you have to do PE in sixth form?
GentleLucille · 26-30, F
@KatieJ Yes, how about you?
KatieJ · 22-25, F
@GentleLucille Yes I had to do PE in sixth form too
PlumBerries · 31-35, F
what is sixth form?
KatieJ · 22-25, F
@PlumBerries I had a few after school detentions too those were mostly for not doing homework
PlumBerries · 31-35, F
that will do it lol
KatieJ · 22-25, F
@PlumBerries It will and so does talking in class, no pe kit and been late
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KatieJ · 22-25, F
@KellyLancaster Pretty standard then and booorrrinng
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ozgirl512 · 26-30, F
We did... It wasn't too bad as uniforms go... Pleated tartan skirt, white blouse... I've seen a lot worse
adelesmith · 31-35, F
Similiar to this was mine

tallpowerhouseblonde · 36-40, F
No.The girls wore their own clothes in our senior school but the boys had to wear uniform.Some vote in 1970 something.
We were told not to wear make up.We did.Don't wear short skirts.We did.Don't chew gum.We did and I was a prolific bubble blower and gum snapper.
We were told not to wear make up.We did.Don't wear short skirts.We did.Don't chew gum.We did and I was a prolific bubble blower and gum snapper.
adelesmith · 31-35, F
We had a uniform in the sixth form, simliar to the previous one. My parents strictly enforced the rules on me so I couldn't wear the skirt too short.
ozgirl512 · 26-30, F
@adelesmith I think they all do..
kahne2013 · M
I did when I was in elementary school and middle school. younger days obviously didn’t bother me. But once I was in middle school I hated it. but our school uniforms were so picky it went right down to your underwear and socks had to be a certain design. but then ours was also dress pants, dress shirt/ button up. and usually a tie too.
i wear uniform until high school
cool looking
KatieJ · 22-25, F
@YukikoAmagi I suppose it could have been worse
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I went to a private school and we had a regular uniform with a tie etc which i hated, and we had a sports uniform which was track suit pants, t-shirt and runners. We were only supposed to wear that on sports days but i wore it permanently.
Whatever 6th form is I have no idea. My school, in the US, did not have uniforms.
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Barefooter25 · 46-50, M
Yes I did. Unfortunately, I wasn't allowed to be barefoot during class and the only thing I could do is take my shoes off.

Not a uniform as such, but it had to be ac jacket and tie. No jeans
jackson55 · M
Yes, first through sixth grade. Cords and a white shirt.

My school wasn't cool enough to have uniforms
benJohnson99 · 18-21, M

EnjoyTheFeast · 22-25, F
I'm homeschooled personally, but uniforms sound rubbish!
KatieJ · 22-25, F
@EnjoyTheFeast they are awful!!! What would you typically wear?
EnjoyTheFeast · 22-25, F
@KatieJ Until I became a nudist, just whatever I normally wore around the house