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TammieBear · 22-25, F
@Emily, the uniform's boring and a bit uncomfortable, but probably does make life easier, particularly for girls :-)
claudiama · F
It would be good if we had school uniforms here in Germany too.
MrsPeterEvans · 31-35, F
That's why uniform is easier Emily
EvilEmily · F
i never had to wear a school uniform, but on my last school the rules about clothings were 5 sides long. listing everything to short, to long, to offensive... basically you could wear jeans and a plain t.shirt or potentially did something wrong
updown2020 · 61-69, M
Well is it not easier have a uniform that way you do not have to worry what to wear and fighting with your mom?
MrsPeterEvans · 31-35, F
Me in uniform
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MrsPeterEvans · 31-35, F
Sorry that was replying someone else. I am far right in the pic. We are in west Wales
claudiama · F
The girl who shows off the top of her stockings
MrsPeterEvans · 31-35, F
Yes Ma'am
MrsPeterEvans · 31-35, F
I had a school uniform as well
TammieBear · 22-25, F
@updown2020, yes i know it stops kids from getting picked on for what they wear to school.
updown2020 · 61-69, M
Why is there only one girl wearing pants?
MrsPeterEvans · 31-35, F
We were supposed to wear skirts only. She was a visiting student I think from Canada or somewhere
updown2020 · 61-69, M
Oh okay and in this private school did you guys get paddled?