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I Believe In Happy Endings and New Beginnings

Posting from a friend... :)

Good Morning! Are You Happy? It comes down to this. It doesn't matter if you are a Christian, Atheist, Buddhist, Muslim, Jewish or whatever label you choose to place upon yourself. The question is - Are You Happy? And if you are not happy, why? I myself feel that there is a creative force that works in my life. I call that force, God. That God has given us an opportunity to create as it creates. It has given us the free will to choose how we create our lives and the world we choose to live in. We have been given the opportunity to learn what works and what doesn't work. We will often blame this Force for all of the angst in the world when in all actuality it is us that has created all of the angst in the world. I know that in my own personal life that when I ask for assistance from God my life flows with less effort and stress. I have an understanding that everyone has their own individual path they are choosing to take. Knowing that I can spend less time in judgement and more time enjoying this world we all share. The key for me was to drop all of my religious beliefs and reconnect back to the God of my understanding. I do believe that every religion holds a truth but I feel those truths have been over shadowed by man's ego based beliefs. So, that is why we should question every single belief that we hold. Do those belief's make you happy and carefree or do they keep you in fear and sadness? Do those belief's enslave you or free you? Do those beliefs cause you to judge or do they leave your heart open to understand? Do those beliefs cause you to exclude or include other's? Keep the ones that you love and helps you to love and divorce all of the rest. Once you peel away those belief's you will become less and less concerned about how other's choose to create in their lives. Love, Peace and Happiness To All! Have A Wonderful God Realized Day!!!
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Windsylph · F
You have written the very words my soul whispers to my heart daily. I couldn't have said it better.

Yes, I am joyful to be living my life. YAY!
MrsKatherineArch · 41-45, F
Yes, I am happy with my choices and my life. Thank you for posting this. ❤️
Justpeaceandlove · 61-69, F
Thank you and your welcome. I've made plenty of mistakes in my life. I've learn from them and learned the reasons why I made and still make some. I don't regret any of them.

The judgments from other people who don't forgive themselves for the mistakes they make can be harmful if you allow them to project theirs onto you.

I say love the best way you can and forgive yourself and others for the ignorance and unforgivenes we may not be aware of yet!

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