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I Love Stargazing

Longtime hobby of mine that still never gets old, a good clear nights sky is still the most beautiful thing one can see in my humble little opinion.Usually when I'm dating someone on around the third week or so I try to drag them out stargazing with me, their reaction usually ends up being a good litmus test to see how compatible we'll be I've found
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BarbedBerry · 31-35, F
I'm jealous Pickles! Used to live in the country but I'm stuck in the city nowadays, only get to escape on weekends. As for determining a match, it beats going out to a cliche dinner or film for sure ;)
BarbedBerry · 31-35, F
@Maverick: Just a personal suggestion, might want to save up a little more and go for a compact telescope when you do buy one again. Great for toting around on hikes away from light-polluted civilization
BarbedBerry · 31-35, F
You could try looking up places that have good/decent views that are a short drive away maybe feet? :O. If there isn't any.. well, I guess you'd be stuck with artificial light gazing ;/
jackson55 · M
Star gazing is cool. I live in Arizona and its clear here much of the time. I don't know much about astronomy but I lie to look.
BarbedBerry · 31-35, F
Good to hear Jackson, don't need to have a background in Astronomy to see the beauty in the stars ^_^
Thanks for the tip. I live and work in the Rocky Mountain states and have been searching for something with the auto-star finder/tracker feature. Back in the 1990's, I owned a manual telescope and it was a lot of effort, constantly sighting objects like the moon. As you know, with the Earth's rotation, the position of objects in the night sky are constantly shifting, requiring frequent telescopic adjustments. The auto tracker option is a must. Lol
Picklebobble · 56-60, M
I live in Norfolk in the UK. Out in the country. So when it gets dark. It's dark!
Night skies in the winter are awesome!
Especially if you have some idea what you're looking at!
Even phases of the moon are interesting.
I like the idea of you using this as a method of determining a good potential match!!
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ozzydevil · M
I love to stargaze too. We Are going outback in 2 weeks time and staying in 5 millon star accommodation :-D
I enjoy stargazing as well and am looking forward to once again, owning a telescope for just that purpose.
jackson55 · M
Quite true. There will be a full moon tonight. Definitely moon shadows tonight.
Redstar · 36-40, M
I love everything about night time :)
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FeetAreFantastic · 41-45, M
Thats great. Problem is, where I live the nights are just too bright to see much of any stars.

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