Peaches · F
I totally agree❣🌌🌌🌌🌟💫
Lochlee · 56-60, F
Me too. I really started appreciating it when I learn't some of the constellations. But sometimes..just sometimes I feel overwhelmed when I look into the depth of the night sky and think...that's a far way too fall should gravity fail...
Sadwithasmile · 22-25, M
Till a meteor comes

When I was deployed I saw the clearest Night sky ever...was a weird feeling in such a dangerous place. Here in AK, I saw the brightest most amount of changing colors dance during the Borealis...was amazing :)

Omg yes, a bonfire, marshmallows, a tent, some self-brewed coffee and a few good friends or a SO to keep me company under those beautiful stars. I wouldn't need more than that :)
jaymic64 · M
It always takes my thoughts to a far away place. Looking up at the night sky is magical
Hicks · 36-40, M
I always wonder what might be staring back.
Goralski · 56-60, M
Meteor shower coming up
Sadwithasmile · 22-25, M
@Goralski u stole my line!