LyricalOne · F
Lol.... my husband was always cutest when we were arguing and I’d go into the bedroom to cool off and shortly after, he’d crawl into bed next to me and say in his little boy voice, “I can’t stand it when you’re mad at me.” And then would make it all better in a big boy way. 😉
That's because when two people really love each other, but one hurts the other, they stay together not because they forget, but because they forgive.
Namaste0911 · 51-55, F
@RenaissanceMan forgiveness is huge
@Namaste0911 I agree. And, not taking things personal.
Namaste0911 · 51-55, F
@RenaissanceMan very grown up thing to do for sure 😋
melovemycats · 26-30, F
That girl has a really long neck.
Namaste0911 · 51-55, F
@melovemycats 😂 she does. I love the tattoos
Prisoner69 · 26-30, M
Well my ex didn't get it so..
Namaste0911 · 51-55, F
@Prisoner69 more fish in the sea 💙
Pasunny · 26-30, F
romell · 51-55, M
if u stay mad to long u never were in love then