I Believe We Create Our Own Reality

This is my own personal formula, but to each his/her own.
Which voice do you listen to when making personal decisions? Listen to the one that will give you positive feed-back and lead you in the direction that will enhance, make happy, and prosper your life. For me, that voice is God. When in doubt, I always ask, "What would Jesus do?", WWJD, and you just can't go wrong with that. However, some here neither have, nor want God in their lives, and that is their prerogative.
Actually, we have three voices we listen to. On one hand, there is God's voice, and on the other hand, Satan whispers suggestions in our ear. I believe this is where we get our moral understanding, or "conscience". However, ultimately, the final decision is always left up to us. Sound confusing? It doesn't have to be, when we remember that God said, Satan is the author of confusion. If we're receiving negative, confusing thoughts, those aren't coming from God.
God gave us the standard for moral thinking, and so, if I'm going to follow him (which I am, and do) WWJD is just another way of my saying, "I want to follow his will for my life." It would be the same as my asking him how he is leading and if that would please him, because when I accepted him as my personal Savior, I did as he asked and do not lean on my own flawed understanding of things, as He is so much wiser than me. That is, I do not live according to my own selfish ways, but seek his will and his ways. That's why we pray "thy will be done on earth, as it is in heaven." God wasn't trying to insult us. He gave us a mind to make decisions. However, when we make a commitment to follow him, that includes doing his will, as he knows best and is there to lead, guide, and direct by the Holy Spirit, when we need direction. He said his Word is a lamp for my feet, and light on my path.