lily88mercy · 26-30, F
To study Plato, Lao Tsu, Buddah, or Wayne Dyer....whatever appear in the physical that you judge either to be "good" or "bad" is still in the eye of the beholder.
In my junior year of prep school we read works from saints to philosophers, the divinely inspired to the grumbling existentialist.
Your friends cling to the belief that if something happens, even appearing to cause pain or loss in the physical plane,is a lesson that contributes to their insight of life and the way they carry on. And who are we to doubt them?
In my junior year of prep school we read works from saints to philosophers, the divinely inspired to the grumbling existentialist.
Your friends cling to the belief that if something happens, even appearing to cause pain or loss in the physical plane,is a lesson that contributes to their insight of life and the way they carry on. And who are we to doubt them?