impulsive · 31-35, M
Ah well at least you're not alone in feeling like that, peace and happiness are not constant things...they are at best an oasis in a desert of hardship and strife. on a side note...this is literally my first comment on this site in months and i've just seen the "this comment contains nudity" button....I really....really wanna press it lol
Mellifluousme · 31-35, F
^ years ago on EP I was as as well. I have my concessional moments now and again- EP moments- but they are few and far between.
lovingdead · 31-35, M
I'm unsure if I was much of a powerhouse, but I too can attest to being but a mere shadow now.

welcome to the darkness, newly wed one
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@Mellifluousme but i want to a gf and in the store, its too expensive to buy. Im too broke for that.
Mellifluousme · 31-35, F
Lol u want a barbie doll?

@Mellifluousme they too girly. I like anime dolls better :)
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Blueyed · 61-69, M
Is there a connection between nthe two?