Please don't put yourself down. Whilst it may be daunting right now, there will be (and is) someone right for you, right now. Sometimes it takes time to find each other but it will be worth it. Remember there is only one you, so you are very special.
SethGreene531 · M
Troubles me to hear anybody here is in sorrow. Though we all may only be virtual-friends, there are many that care as deeply and as ready to lend support as those in your real world. Please reach out to us without hesitation, anytime.
And know that you are an individual of immesurable worth and rarity and therefore will never be second best, regardless of what life/others have whispered to you.
Please don't cry.❤
Good night secondtime.
And know that you are an individual of immesurable worth and rarity and therefore will never be second best, regardless of what life/others have whispered to you.
Please don't cry.❤
Good night secondtime.
silentkillx2 · F
Well your user name does say SECONDtimearound
Exhibiter1000 · 61-69, M
I'm sorry. You would be first if you were with me. No one else allowed.
SoulAsylum · 36-40, M

ReaperofTime · 46-50, M
Hey. I will always be the guy most folks want dead or run like hell from. Could be worse. Have a drink. On me
Dalegend27 · M
Wtf do u do to people?
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