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Can advocates for racial equality be unkowingly racist?

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With many people advocating for racial equality now days, some are being called out for being unconsciously racist.


- Someone of race A thinking members of race B cannot be successful without the help from those of race A.

- Someone from race A assuming members of race B must have a harder life merely for being born as race B.

Do you think these people should make a conscious effort to stop themselves from making such thoughts?

Do you think that recognizing members of race B as victims might mentally effect them in a harmful way such as making them less motivated to do well for themselves?

Do you think that instead of kneeling down with members of race B and accepting they have is rough, that instead we should be picking them back up and motivating to keep pushing forward?
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I just think the whole concept of 'race' is an illusion, a problem in itself. But discrimination against people, for whatever reason, is a real problem. Skin color is not a 'race' it's just skin color, no more than ginger hair or small noses are a seperate 'race'. It's BS fabricated to seperate people and it's worked very well unfortunately. People are just people. That's it. Don't fool yourself
That’s a bit much thinking and my brain is tired. I think people know full well when they are racists.

I think recognizing as victims could make them less motivated, yes. But not always.

Motivate and push on...never kneel down.
Ryannnnnn · 31-35, M
I think the focus on race brings with it positives and negatives. Positives being issues get addressed, the negatives being it normalizes viewing people as minority A or minority B. Acknowledging that subtle oppression may occur is useful, but the other side of the coin is that somebody may believe they are oppressed when they weren't because of what their culture told them.

There's a yin and yang to everything.
Peppa · 31-35, F
I'm currently working on a dissertation surrounding race and the problem is that every time you suggest a theory behind something especially if its personal you run into dangerous territory. Is it perceived or is it fact?
Am I just reflecting my own racism?
Am I actually a racist, for thinking it and now saying it?
Was what I perceived racist or was it just awkward kindness?
We live in a world now where people are so careful with their words they use "shade" to get their digs in but this covert method makes way for gaslighting the victim.
I think racial issues will always exist even in an interracial world because people will discriminate against the different types of mixes that exist.
Ladyred · 46-50, F
Wait a minute. Is this what they meant by everything I need to learn I learned in kindergarten? And what does that mean now?
The intelligence of each 'race' is comparable. There's no reason to doubt that culture is more influential than say, skin color.
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